Anchoring / Rank 3 / SP: 48 of 750
1 Corporation Management skills trained, for a total of 48 skillPoints.
Combat Drone Operation / Rank 2 / SP: 88 of 500
Drone Durability / Rank 5 / SP: 65 of 1250
Drone Interfacing / Rank 5 / SP: 40000 of 226275
Drones / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000
Heavy Drone Operation / Rank 5 / SP: 7072 of 40000
Mining Drone Operation / Rank 2 / SP: 12 of 500
Scout Drone Operation / Rank 1 / SP: 8000 of 45255
7 Drones skills trained, for a total of 311,237 skillPoints.
Electronics / Rank 1 / SP: 27091 of 45255
Electronics Upgrades / Rank 2 / SP: 90510 of 512000
Long Range Targeting / Rank 2 / SP: 2829 of 16000
Multitasking / Rank 3 / SP: 750 of 4243
Propulsion Jamming / Rank 3 / SP: 4243 of 24000
Signature Analysis / Rank 1 / SP: 8000 of 45255
Targeting / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000
7 Electronics skills trained, for a total of 389,423 skillPoints.
Energy Grid Upgrades / Rank 2 / SP: 512000 of 512000
Energy Management / Rank 3 / SP: 10106 of 24000
Energy Pulse Weapons / Rank 2 / SP: 500 of 2829
Energy Systems Operation / Rank 1 / SP: 45255 of 256000
Engineering / Rank 1 / SP: 45255 of 256000
Shield Compensation / Rank 2 / SP: 2829 of 16000
Shield Emission Systems / Rank 2 / SP: 566 of 2829
Shield Management / Rank 3 / SP: 4247 of 24000
Shield Operation / Rank 1 / SP: 45255 of 256000
Shield Upgrades / Rank 2 / SP: 509 of 2829
Tactical Shield Manipulation / Rank 4 / SP: 5657 of 32000
11 Engineering skills trained, for a total of 672,179 skillPoints.
Controlled Bursts / Rank 2 / SP: 90510 of 512000
Gunnery / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000
Large Energy Turret / Rank 5 / SP: 226275 of 1280000
Medium Energy Turret / Rank 3 / SP: 225494 of 768000
Motion Prediction / Rank 2 / SP: 512000 of 512000
Rapid Firing / Rank 2 / SP: 512000 of 512000
Sharpshooter / Rank 2 / SP: 512000 of 512000
Small Beam Laser Specialization / Rank 3 / SP: 6809 of 24000
Small Energy Turret / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000
Surgical Strike / Rank 4 / SP: 1024000 of 1024000
Trajectory Analysis / Rank 5 / SP: 226275 of 1280000
Weapon Upgrades / Rank 2 / SP: 16000 of 90510
12 Gunnery skills trained, for a total of 3,863,363 skillPoints.
Deep Core Mining / Rank 6 / SP: 8486 of 48000
Ice Harvesting / Rank 1 / SP: 8000 of 45255
Industry / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000
Kernite Processing / Rank 2 / SP: 4648 of 16000
Mass Production / Rank 2 / SP: 500 of 2829
Mining / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000
Mobile Refinery Operation / Rank 4 / SP: 1000 of 5657
Plagioclase Processing / Rank 1 / SP: 8000 of 45255
Production Efficiency / Rank 3 / SP: 70533 of 135765
Currently training to: level 4
Time left: 1 days, 9 hours, 34 minutes, 17 seconds
SP done: 7623 of 65232
Pyroxeres Processing / Rank 1 / SP: 15597 of 45255
Refinery Efficiency / Rank 3 / SP: 29278 of 135765
Refining / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000
Scordite Processing / Rank 1 / SP: 1415 of 8000
Veldspar Processing / Rank 1 / SP: 1415 of 8000
14 Industry skills trained, for a total of 916,872 skillPoints.
Armored Warfare / Rank 2 / SP: 500 of 2829
Information Warfare / Rank 2 / SP: 500 of 2829
Leadership / Rank 1 / SP: 8000 of 45255
Siege Warfare / Rank 2 / SP: 2829 of 16000
Skirmish Warfare / Rank 2 / SP: 2829 of 16000
5 Leadership skills trained, for a total of 14,658 skillPoints.
Analytical Mind / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000
Clarity / Rank 3 / SP: 140068 of 768000
Eidetic Memory / Rank 3 / SP: 135765 of 768000
Empathy / Rank 1 / SP: 2275 of 8000
Focus / Rank 3 / SP: 135765 of 768000
Instant Recall / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000
Iron Will / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000
Learning / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000
Logic / Rank 3 / SP: 135765 of 768000
Spatial Awareness / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000
10 Learning skills trained, for a total of 1,829,638 skillPoints.
EM Armor Compensation / Rank 2 / SP: 699 of 2829
Explosive Armor Compensation / Rank 2 / SP: 500 of 2829
Hull Upgrades / Rank 2 / SP: 90510 of 512000
Industrial Construction / Rank 3 / SP: 13 of 750
Kinetic Armor Compensation / Rank 2 / SP: 2829 of 16000
Mechanic / Rank 1 / SP: 45255 of 256000
Remote Armor Repair Systems / Rank 2 / SP: 2829 of 16000
Repair Systems / Rank 1 / SP: 45255 of 256000
Thermic Armor Compensation / Rank 2 / SP: 2829 of 16000
9 Mechanic skills trained, for a total of 190,719 skillPoints.
Defender Missiles / Rank 2 / SP: 2829 of 16000
FoF Missiles / Rank 3 / SP: 750 of 4243
Heavy Missile Specialization / Rank 5 / SP: 7072 of 40000
Heavy Missiles / Rank 3 / SP: 768000 of 768000
Missile Bombardment / Rank 2 / SP: 90510 of 512000
Missile Launcher Operation / Rank 1 / SP: 8043 of 45255
Missile Projection / Rank 4 / SP: 181020 of 1024000
Rapid Launch / Rank 2 / SP: 90510 of 512000
Standard Missiles / Rank 2 / SP: 16000 of 90510
Target Navigation Prediction / Rank 2 / SP: 90510 of 512000
10 Missile Launcher Operation skills trained, for a total of 1,255,244 skillPoints.
Acceleration Control / Rank 4 / SP: 1024000 of 1024000
Afterburner / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000
Evasive Maneuvering / Rank 2 / SP: 4212 of 16000
Fuel Conservation / Rank 2 / SP: 512000 of 512000
High Speed Maneuvering / Rank 5 / SP: 2239 of 7072
Navigation / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000
Warp Drive Operation / Rank 1 / SP: 45255 of 256000
7 Navigation skills trained, for a total of 2,099,706 skillPoints.
Astrogeology / Rank 3 / SP: 768000 of 768000
Cybernetics / Rank 3 / SP: 750 of 4243
Metallurgy / Rank 3 / SP: 135765 of 768000
Science / Rank 1 / SP: 49596 of 256000
4 Science skills trained, for a total of 954,111 skillPoints.
Social / Rank 1 / SP: 1415 of 8000
1 Social skills trained, for a total of 1,415 skillPoints.
Amarr Battleship / Rank 8 / SP: 768063 of 2048000
Amarr Cruiser / Rank 5 / SP: 226275 of 1280000
Amarr Frigate / Rank 2 / SP: 90510 of 512000
Amarr Industrial / Rank 4 / SP: 1000 of 5657
Battlecruisers / Rank 6 / SP: 1681 of 8486
Mining Barge / Rank 4 / SP: 32000 of 181020
Spaceship Command / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000
7 Spaceship Command skills trained, for a total of 1,375,529 skillPoints.
Retail / Rank 2 / SP: 16000 of 90510
Trade / Rank 1 / SP: 1415 of 8000
2 Trade skills trained, for a total of 17,415 skillPoints.